6th March 2023

Applications now being considered for two grant categories:
Productivity & Slurry- Application deadline 4th April
Animal Health and Welfare- Application deadline 15th June
Grants between £1k and £25k are available for essential items stocked by T H WHITE. Grants are allocated and scored by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).
Find out more here:
T H WHITE has generations of experience with animal management and can guide you through the cost and welfare benefits of upgrading machinery and infrastructure. Our dedicated specialists are available to plan the most cost-effective use of grant allocations, with a tailored approach that works for your farm.
Grant 5,400
Dribble bar – working width 10m
Dribble bar applicator, minimum 10m working width, to fit slurry tanker or attach to flexible pipe/umbilical system. Includes macerator, stone traps and pipework to connect to tanker or umbilical system. Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
Grant £7,375
Trailing shoe slurry system 6m
Trailing shoe slurry applicator, minimum 6m working width, to fit to slurry tanker or attach to flexible pipe/umbilical system. Includes macerator, stone traps and pipework to connect to tanker or umbilical system. Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
OPICO Air Seeders (400L)
Air drill for establishing cover crops
A small pneumatic (air) drill for seeding cover crops designed to be mounted on existing drills or soil tillage equipment. To be eligible the air drill must have electronic metering, capable of drilling a range of small cover crop seeds. Seed placement will be via either pipes, coulters or spreader plates with a minimum drilling width of 3m and have a minimum seed hopper capacity of 300 litres.
HE-VA Multi-Seeder
Air drill for establishing cover crops
A small pneumatic (air) drill for seeding cover crops designed to be mounted on existing drills or soil tillage equipment. To be eligible the air drill must have electronic metering, capable of drilling a range of small cover crop seeds. Seed placement will be via either pipes, coulters or spreader plates with a minimum drilling width of 3m and have a minimum seed hopper capacity of 300 litres.
Sky EasyDrill (3m – 8m)
Direct drill with fertiliser placement
Direct drill with fertiliser placement for precision drilling of arable and cover crops, using either tines or discs to produce the seeding slot.
To be eligible the drill must place the fertiliser adjacent (below or to the side) to the seed in the seeding slot. The drill must have a minimum drilling width of 2.9m.
With the exception of the fertiliser placement mechanism, the drill must have no cultivation or seed bed preparation equipment in front of the seeding slot mechanism and the seed must be placed in the seeding slot.
The drill must be able to drill through a fully established growing cover crop of at least 15cm in height. The item purchased must include seed and fertiliser hoppers. The drill must be able to drill the full range of arable and cover crops including cereals.
FETF27 Grant £7,613
BAUER Slurry separator
Screw press slurry separator, capable of processing a minimum of 10m3/hr, with a resulting solid fraction of 30% dry matter according to the model’s theoretical capability. All other forms of slurry separation are not eligible.
Grant £4,200
Dribble bar – working width 6m
Dribble bar applicator, minimum 6m working width, to fit to slurry tanker or attach to flexible pipe/umbilical system. Includes macerator, stone traps and pipework to connect to tanker or umbilical system. Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
Grant £4,355
Mobile slurry chopper pumps
Tractor PTO or hydraulically driven mobile centrifugal slurry chopper pumps.
Must have minimum 100 cubic metres per hour transfer rate and a pumping head of at least 100 metres. Pump must have a 100mm diameter inlet or larger and minimum 65 mm diameter outlet. Cost does not include suction or umbilical pipe. Only chopper pumps to be used for slurry transfer are eligible under this item.
Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
FETF215P Grant £1,041
Weed Wiper 2.4m
The weed wiper must be a trailed machine suitable for towing by light field vehicles eg ATV. It must have height adjustment and have at least one rotating application roller (made of carpet, brush or other material). The weed wiper must be 2.4m minimum working width and have an electric pump and pump control to control herbicide application rate. Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
OPICO Sward Lifter
Grassland sward lifters
To be eligible, must have a minimum of 3 legs with adjustable depth control (at least to 300mm) via the legs or packing rollers. Machine must have cutting disc in front of, and a packing roller behind, each leg, shear bolt or mechanical reset on each leg.
OPICO Camera guided inter-row cultivators
Inter row cultivator 1.8m – 6m
A system using precision camera guided cultivators to remove weeds from between crop rows. Designed to be used at relatively high speed and to be able to automatically distinguish between the crop and weeds. Camera system can detect position of crop rows and automatically adjust the cultivators to only remove the weeds between the crop rows.
HE-VA Grassland Stealth
Grassland sward lifters
To be eligible, must have a minimum of 3 legs with adjustable depth control (at least to 300mm) via the legs or packing rollers. Machine must have cutting disc in front of, and a packing roller behind, each leg, shear bolt or mechanical reset on each leg.
Robotic drill and guided cultivator
Autonomous robotic vehicle which can drill and mechanically weed (hoe). The device must be able to precisely place seed in the ground. It must also be able to mechanically weed between the drilled rows but also weed between the plants in the row. To be eligible the robot must be able to operate completely autonomously in the field without the need for an operator to carry out any function apart from refilling the seed hopper. To be eligible the robot must be able to both drill and hoe.
FETF110, FETF111
HE-VA Top Cutter Solo
Cover crop roller 3m & 6m
Tractor mounted roller system to terminate and/or bruise cover crops ahead of direct drill. Minimum of 6m width. To be eligible the roller should be constructed to have an uneven or ridged surface to aid the crimping or bruising of the cover crop to destroy it. The roller must completely crimp or bruise the crop across the full working width of the roller. Flat rolls and ring rolls are not eligible under this item.
All the above items are covered by the grant. Talk to Brandon Wilcox, our dedicated slurry specialist about finding new ways to reduce farming costs through slurry.
Call Brandon now on 07850 301 575.
All the below T H WHITE items are covered by the grant.
Talk to Chris Newey about making the most of your Animal Welfare grant on 07880 798475.
FETF85 Grant £2,040
DELAVAL Automated Cattle Footbaths
A footbath for cattle that will automatically fill, dose, flush and replenish.
FETF98 Grant £514
DELAVAL Rotating Cow Brush
A purpose built swinging rotating cow brush with auto start and stop.
FETF237A Grant £628
Snacker Feeder
A trailed livestock feeder designed to be towed by ATVs and capable of varying the drop size / quantity. The feeder’s hopper will have a minimum capacity of 300kg, mudguards, floatation tyres and cover for the hopper. All non-ferrous metal must be galvanised or powder coated. Serial number required – to be submitted with your claim for payment.
FETF87 Grant £2,581
FUTURE COW Handheld Auto teat washing system
Handheld automatic teat washing brush which can disinfect, stimulate, and dry all in one visit to the cow. Maximum of 2 per application.
FETF106 Grant £90
GALLAGHER Solar powered Electric Fence Energiser
Solar powered electric fencing energiser with integrated solar panel and battery. Energiser providing at least 0.15 joules output. Purchased as a whole working unit (single item), not parts.
FETF94 Grant £3,246
DELAVAL Auto Calf Feeder with Washing Facility
Programmable milk feeder for calves, capable of individually feeding and monitoring calf intake. Able to alert if calf is not drinking or drinking less than normal. Must automatically self-clean feeding tube and teat between each feeding. Capable of feeding 30 calves individually. Cost is for one programmable milk feeder and one feed station.