2nd March 2020

In conjunction with leading manufacturer Kuhn, T H WHITE is holding two feeder and bedding demonstration events.

On Tuesday 10 March the event will be kindly hosted by the Hann family at Rodden Down Farm, just outside Frome, Somerset (postcode BA11 5LF), and the second event on Thursday 12 March will be held courtesy of the Sainsbury family at Lyegrove Farm, Badminton, Gloucestershire (postcode GL9 1HA). Each demo will be held in an informal environment and will run from 10.30am to 2.30pm. As well as a Profile Plus feeder, other Kuhn machines in action will include a Primor straw blower and feeder and a Euromix mixer wagon. T H WHITE will also be demonstrating New Holland and Manitou equipment. It will be a great opportunity for machine walkarounds and to ask questions of the specialist on hand.

Hot drinks will be provided and there’s no need to RSVP – just turn up!